Amid their daily struggles to make ends meet, this family generously shares their time and effort to help other families in need. This young family is led by a widowed mother who works as a laundrywoman to provide for her six children. Yet she is able –together with her kids – to volunteer as teacher to a non-profit organization that promotes social and economic development in depressed areas in Manila. One family, on the other hand, has made it their advocacy to raise awareness about autism and offer support to other families who has a loved one with the same condition. Moreover, this family provides counseling and livelihood programs for parents of children with autism, as well as art workshops for kids. Another family –a young man in his mid 20s then and his mother—decided to adopt a young boy dumped by his own family. Moreover, he decided to adopt eight other homeless kids, and along with this new found family, offer literacy and values formation programs to impover