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Showing posts from October, 2016

Turning a Father’s Dream for Children's Good Education and Bright Future Into a Reality

JC Enriquez (center) with his family, (from left to right) Jovan Enriquez (brother), Crisaldo Enriquez (father), Mareng Vicente (grandmother), Josephine Pronebo (aunt) There are more than two million Filipinos working abroad for various reasons: lack of jobs in the homefront, mismatch and in pursue of bigger pay and greater opportunities in foreign land. The children of these OFWs had gotten used to having absentee parents who miss out milestones and special occasions -- from intimate moments like a baby’s first steps, first words, or first day in school to important events like birthdays and graduations. The separation is painful for both children and parents, but it’s worth the sacrifice as the parents look ahead to the promise of a secure future. John Czarleen “JC” Enriquez knows of these aches and pains twice over. He was in Grade 1 when his father and mother left the country to work abroad as electrical engineer and as domestic worker respectively. “My paren